Edgie Polistico's Cebuano-English Dictionary (Version 2.8.75 free shareware copy)
(c.) 1986 - 2010 by Edgardo Bongato Polistico, Manila, Philippines - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Compatible with Windows 7, XP, 2000, 98 & Me
Not fully compatible with Windows Vista.
Click this link for FREE downloads: http://sites.google.com/site/pinoydictionary/home/cebuano-english-dictionary/edgie-polistico-s-cebuano-english-dictionary-split-files
For more: http://pinoydictionarytoday.blogspot.com/
This dictionary contains entries that pertain to vulgar, indecent, profane, and other words not suitable for conservative use. Such entries may appear offensive or distasteful to some. The intention of including them in this dictionary is purely for information and educational purposes and without any malice.
EBP is not liable to any form of damages, directly or indirectly, due to the impropriety of usage of words or translations used in this dictionary.
Vending a copy or its reproduction is not allowed.
email to: edgiepolistico@yahoo.com
See more at : http://philippinesillustrated.blogspot.com/
cebuano dictionary
nus ah pa d i makita ang apps sa cebuano dictionary ?
or naay app ani nga website ?
pwd ba mangayu?