I've finally made my Cebuano Dictionary App for Android available. It can be downloaded for free from the Google Play store (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ph.bohol.dictionaryapp).
All comments and remarks are welcome. Note that this app wraps an interface around the data of John U. Wolff's Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan, which was published in 1972, based on a complete survey of the language between 1966 and 1972. It contains sample sentences for many words, which makes it a great learning tool (once you got used to its non-standard orthography, which uses only the vowels, a, i, and u.)
Using the data of Wolff's 1972 Dictionary of Cebuano Visayan, I've prepared an Android App that can be used to search and present this data (off-line).
I am now looking for a few volunteers, who would like to load this app, and report back on their experiences, before making it available more widely.
Finally, some help will be needed on fine-tuning the stemming algorithm, which currently is still under development.
I'm preparing a few Cebuano books for Project Gutenberg. The following two are nearing completion, and can be previewed over here. If you feel so inclined, please also proofread those texts, and inform me of any issue that are still in them.
And dila sa babaye, by Vincente Sotto, from 1905
This is a play in three acts, which (incidentally) also shows the language situation in Cebu 108 years ago: the people speak Cebuano, the Spanish priest Spanish, and the American Judge English; finally a Sergent says a few lines in Tagalog.
Walay Igsoon, by Juan Vilagonzalo, from 1912
This is a novel about Filipino emigrant workers, at that time being recruited to work on pineapple plantations in Hawaii, and deals with the loneliness, deprevations, and abuse that comes with it.
I am trying to get more reading materials in Cebuano available, also to help myself and other in their efforts to learn the language. All results will be posted to Project Gutenberg. (e.g. the story Larawan, or Wolff's dictionary)
Currently, I've added an old Cebuano play, Ang dila sa babaye, by Vincente Sotto, dating back to 1905 Since the quality of the available scans is extremely low, the first round it needs to be typed, and some knowledge of the language will be helpful in reconstructing some badly scanned words.
If you can help, please surf to Distributed Proofreaders, register yourself, and look-up the text.
For many years, I've been running a small Philippine dictionary on my website http://www.bohol.ph/diksyunaryo.php. Although this is used quite often, it is fairly limited, and of a rather low quality.
Recently, I've added a large dictionary for Hiligaynon on the site, available http://www.bohol.ph/kved.php. This is nothing less than the complete text of Kaufmann's 1934 Visayan-English dictionary, which, although it shows its age, is still very useful, and includes sample sentences for most Hiligaynon words. Both a searchable interface and a downloadable PDF file are available.
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