¡Hola a todos! ¿Qué tal estáis?
I've noticed that many of the country names have Spanish origin such as Germany, France, China, Ireland, The United States, and Argentina into Alemanya, Pransya, Tsina, Irlanda, ang Estados Unidos, and Arhentina. as well as their denonyms: aleman(a), pranses(a), tsino(a), irlandes(a), amerikano(a), arhentino(a). Wikipedia has a Cebuano version, by the way, which makes it great to look up these countries and their denonyms.
My question is this: before The Philippines gained independence from Spain, we borrowed Spanish words into Cebuano to help us with names of countries and people from those places during that time, hence, the abundant Spanish loanwords. Now that the world has changed over time, how does our Cebuano vocabulary keep up with the new countries since 1898 or 1900 as well as people and regional identity from those places? I'm sure that Cebuano isn't the only language that lacks vocabulary to "keep up" with the modern world. Do we borrow more words from the Spanish language, the English language, or other languages? What about our own language? Also, there are other sources that the Spanish provided to have more loan words in Cebuano. The bible and other documents that state other countries in Spanish when it was written and taught in Spanish by the friars to the indios long ago, are some sources that have Spanish loan words into Cebuano. These words would be places such as, Egypt (ehipto sa singubuanon, egitpto en español), Israel (Israel sa sinugbuanon ug katsila(castellano español)), Arabé, Grecia (greece), Roma (rome), etc... all words are of Spanish origin.
Spanish denonyms have exceptions too. Take for example Canada. In Spanish it's Canadá, and the denonym is Candiense. Pangasinán, Pangasinense. Nicaragua, Nicaragüese. Las Visayas, Los Visayos. Puerto Rico, Puertorriqueño. México(Méjico), Mexicano. Suecia (Sweden sa ininggles), Sueco. Rusya, Ruso. Japón, Japonés. España(Katsila), Español. Egipto(ehipto sa singubuanon), egipcio. arabia saudita, arabé. India, indio. Brasil, Brasileño. Manila, Manileño. Inglaterra, Ingles. Gran Bretaña, Británico(British).
Say for example, to translate the word New Zealand. Would it be something like "bag-ong Selanda" or what? What about the denonym for it? How would we Cebuano speakers know the vocabulary of other countries? South Korea, Coréa del Sur, Coreano. Guatemala, Guatemalteco(a).
Since I didn't know how to find new words to supplement Cebuano words for some countries, I tries searching up for world maps made during 1898-early 1900s (preferrable in Spanish) since Spanish was the language in The Philippines at that time when most geographical names were borrowed from. After Spanish rule and during American colonialization, I had a hard time looking for new geographical vocabulary.
Is there a list of Cebuano geoprahical names or a world map in Cebuano (2011 preferred because South Sudan is now a country)?
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